
Controlling clutter and organizing your space is an ongoing process. Even 15 minutes a day adds up to 7 hrs. a month, and eventually a more organized life. Write down your goal and give yourself a deadline. Reward yourself.

  • Create clutter free zones in your home and have family members maintain order by putting things back where they belong. Putting things on the floor is off limits.
  • Information gets outdated quickly. 80% of what we file we never look at again. Before filing ask yourself if you need it for legal or tax purposes. If so KEEP IT. If you can get a copy somewhere else, like last years cable bill, TOSS IT. Archive old inactive files elsewhere.
  • Keep in your closet and drawers only the clothes that you regularly wear and that fit you. Remove clothes that don't fit or don't make you feel good. Donate every month or season the clothes you haven't worn.

Things have a useful life and then they become useless by taking up space and weighing us down. When an item comes into your life, use it well, love it, and then give yourself permission to give it to someone else who can use it.